Monday, August 1, 2011

Project one progression

During the lecture presentation on Monday the 1st of August the video "Five ways to listen better" by Julian Treasure, which was aired on TED*, gave me an inspiration for new ideas. In this video Julian Treasure talked about "…Making meaning from sound..." and an example he presented was a cocktail party with large amounts of talking and chatter, and during this he said "David, Sarah pay attention." and explained how just a few people sat up and were more aware. He went on to explain that we recognise patterns, especially our name, to distinguish noise. But if he was to play a "pink noise" in the background because it has no meaning eventually we block that sound out. This really intrigued me as my project was similar in ways, the repetition of certain words to eventually make the mind forget what it was listening to in the first place. But Julian’s example of the cocktail party was the true inspiration for my project progression. The mixture of sounds in that background that pose no real meaning with sounds that do. Mixing that with the lecture video of the ‘moonwalking bear’, which shows, that if all of your concentration is set to doing one task how simple things can slip past. This could pose an interesting mental interaction, having the user try and count how many times a certain sound was produced while background noise is being played. Afterwards ask them wither they heard the man/woman saying "(something)" in the background.

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