Friday, August 5, 2011

Project one proposition results

I made a few test tracks for testing in the tutorial, one is a recording of my original idea and another is a recording of the same idea but instead of just my voice I have included several others. The idea behind including other voices was to take away from the simple and make the audio a little less monotonous and unchanging. While making these tracks I steered away from words like 'people' and 'birds' to give the listeners mind more freedom to wonder or vary, thus giving a much larger range for memories and originality. During the testing on fellow student I explained what it was that I was trying to achieve and how they should aproach it. Which was, to relax and not think too hard about what they are listening to, but rather let their minds piece together a story or relive a memory. This was fine because I was present to explain, but for future users I would need to have an introduction at the start that explains my intentions and the results they should find. That or to have a written description, this may work more to my advantage due to the unwillingness of people to pick up something without knowing what it is that they should be expecting.

A few student results that I received where;

"I think your idea is really good, as when I heard the words, it started to generate different personal memories."

"As I heard each word it lead to different emotions."

"Having different people saying the same word distracted me so I couldn't think of anything else."

"I started only hearing one of the voices and the others I blocked out."

"I didn't really link all the words together, I just thought of each one as it came along."

These I found were really helpful results.
I also tested the audio on my house mates with similar results as the students above. But the response that really helped me stay in this direction and not over complicate the idea, was that a few of the tested said they were surprised at how when they did really relax and let the words interact with their minds and let a story be painted, and that it gave them a warm, calming feeling. I would like to get this result with more of the majority so I need to figure out which words will achieve this best.

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