Tuesday, July 19, 2011

DSDN 112 studio three

In this studio session we were asked to bring three ideas that we could discuss with the group and analyse, which could also lead onto being an interactive object.

The first of my ideas was a game of memory, but rather than using sight as the sense in which to send pictures to the brain i chose touch. The reason for touch was due to my findings of how people will fiddle with object without realising they are doing so. The game would be to test how well the user can remember items with different textures while blindfolded, because often your hands will be doing things without you noticing. For example typing on a keyboard or texting on a cell phone, trying to think about what your fingers and hands are actually doing you start to be unable to carry on with the task. So having a game of memory without sight would be to get the user to realise how much they actually remember with the use of touching, and needing to pay full attention to there hands.

The second of my three ideas was a cover for a cell phone, again cell phones are often held, spun and pulled apart as a means of fiddling. So my idea for a cover would be to make it of a material that feels good to play with, like a koosh ball or silky material of some sort. Transforming your cell phone into a toy or object to fiddle with which you can take with you everywhere you go. Nobody takes an object which is solely for playing with on their day to day adventures, but with an interactive cell phone cover you would be taking it for your phone rather than its alternate purpose which in turn becomes an extra.

For my last idea i focused on how your mind will wander with the monotony of sounds or visuals. So my idea was to have audio repeat a word for a length of time (30secs), then at the end have a different word be said. The mind after hearing the word a few times begins to wander and your senses relax, with the change in words at the end it wakes you up from day dreaming and makes you realise that you weren’t paying attention.

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